bourbon, brandy, maple, + milk cocktail

by Amy on 14 December 2010

’tis the season for holiday cocktails! last week i featured a recipe for delicious eggnog, + this week i’m bringing you another wonderful christmasy drink – a bourbon, brandy, maple, + milk cocktail.

note: make the milk cubes! the first night i served this, i had the cubes made, but those things were not coming out of the tray! two of us tried our hand at releasing them with no success. the next day, i left the milk cubes out for 15 minutes, which let them melt a bit + loosen up – i put four cubes in each drink + they make a great difference. as they melt, they make the drink creamier + richer. plus, i thought the drinks were a bit strong the first night – the cubes help weaken the drink a little, which i prefer.

i think this drink is fabulous + a nice alternative for those who don’t love eggnog. it still has that festive, holiday feel + is just a little edgier than some of the typical holiday cocktails. cheers!

bourbon, brandy, + maple milk cocktail

makes four cocktails, adapted from the new york times


1/2 cup bourbon
1/2 cup aged brandy (or rum if you prefer)
2 cups milk, plus milk frozen into cubes
1/4 cup maple syrup
grated nutmeg


stir the spirits, milk + syrup together in a pitcher. pour into tumblers over frozen milk cubes or ice cubes + dust the tops with grated nutmeg.

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1 bek davis December 14, 2010 at 1:15 pm

YUMMY! That is a — go to the gym and workout — prior to drinking cocktail. Imagine it with half & half or cream…. A little piece of heaven.

Must try this recipe.

2 amy December 14, 2010 at 1:44 pm

ha, yes – this is definitely a little more on the indulgent side! i hadn’t thought of doing it with cream but that would be amazing. even leaving the cocktail milk + just doing the cubes in cream would add a lot of richness + depth. thanks for the tip!

3 Wendy (The Weekend Gourmet) December 14, 2010 at 7:34 pm

Reminds me of my favorite drink @ Commander’s Palace in NOLA: Brandy Milk Punch, like a grown-up milkshake. So good!

4 amy December 14, 2010 at 10:05 pm

it sounds just like the one you had at commander’s palace (a place that i love, by the way). you should definitely give this a try one night — i thought it was delightful + so seasonally festive. =)

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