Simple Homemade Hummus

by Amy on 6 February 2013

Homemade Hummusi don’t know about y’all, but i’m a snacker. i know there are people who only eat 3 times a day – breakfast, lunch, + dinner – but i am NOT one of those people. in addition to those three meals, i usually have a morning snack, an afternoon snack, + sometimes, a late-night snack. while it’s easy to reach for junk food (+ yes, occasionally i do), i feel better + more energized when i eat snacks with some healthy attributes – high protein, high fiber, heart-healthy fats, etc.

i love hummus as a snack, + much prefer homemade versions to store-bought ones. it seems like every homemade version i’ve had, whether it’s from a friend or a restaurant, is unique, which i love. so, last week, i decided to try making it myself. how did it turn out? wonderful! i adored how easy it was to make, coming together in less than 5 minutes. due to the easy preparation AND the delicious results, i made it for a potluck on Thursday, + again for a Superbowl party on Sunday. + of course, i kept a generous amount for myself … which i’ve been snacking on nonstop for the last few days. =)

Homemade Hummus

Simple Homemade Hummus

makes about 4 cups, adapted from Gourmet Magazine, via epicurious


3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon salt
two 16 oz. cans chickpeas/garbanzo beans, drained + rinsed
2/3 cup well-stirred tahini
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, or to taste
1/4 cup olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
a pinch of paprika, for garnish

accompaniment: toasted pita triangles


on a cutting board, mince + mash the garlic to a paste with the salt.

in a food processor purée the chickpeas with the garlic paste, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, + 1/2 cup water, scraping down the sides, until the hummus is smooth. add salt to taste. add water, if necessary, to thin the hummus to the desired consistency + transfer the hummus to a bowl.

the hummus may be made 3 days in advance + kept covered + chilled. when ready to serve, divide the hummus between shallow serving dishes. drizzle the hummus with extra olive oil, sprinkle with paprika, + serve with toasted pita.

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{ 62 comments… read them below or add one }

51 amy February 9, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Gracias, amigo!

52 Nik@ABrownTable February 9, 2013 at 8:06 pm

Hummus is so simple and yet delicious, I love the colors and freshness of your homemade version. Nice photographs!

53 Alison February 10, 2013 at 1:22 am

Yum!! I LOVE hummus. It’s a staple in my home as well. I love that I can get it at any convenience store, restaurant or grocery store (I live in the middle east), and it’s super delicious. It’s such a unique thing – each time I’ve had it they add something different. I love the variety!

54 amy February 10, 2013 at 11:35 am

ooh, I bet you have access to some really wonderful + unique hummus over in Kuwait – too cool!

55 February 10, 2013 at 1:55 pm

Hi Amy,
It was so good to see you and a good hummus recipe is always welcome anywhere.

56 sally @ sallys baking addiction February 11, 2013 at 7:39 pm

I could eat hummus… and only hummus… for the rest of my life and be a happy camper. I get never get enough of it! And I love to make all kidns of it at home. :) I always looooove finding a new good homemade recipe.

57 Jen L | Tartine and Apron Strings February 12, 2013 at 5:18 pm

We’re the same! I can relate! I’m a constant snacker! And yes, sometimes (well, ok, a lot of times) I reach for junk food! But you are right! Hummus is a great snack / side that won’t leave you wanting for any other junk! Healthy snacking is the way to go! Beautiful hummus, Amy. A work of art indeed!

58 Blond Duck February 12, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Happy Valentine’s Day!

59 Whitney @ The Newlywed Chefs February 12, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Amy, this looks great! We make hummus wraps and pack them for lunch all the time. Always looking to try new hummus recipes!

60 Kate | Food Babbles February 19, 2013 at 5:01 pm

I love hummus but I’ve never made my own. It sounds so easy to do so I think it’s high time. This sounds fantastic and I’ll be making it soon for sure!

61 Bevin September 17, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Going to have to try this. I want to like hummus. But out of the few I’ve tried (store bought versions) I wasn’t impressed. My teenagers love it, so I’d like to try a,homemade version.

62 Amy September 17, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Give it a try and report back! I find it to be a lot lighter/fluffier than store-bought kinds, which I can find to be too heavy/dense. If you’re not confident if you’re going to love it, try halving the recipe to start. That way, if you still aren’t a hummus fan, you won’t have wasted too much $/ingredients on it. =)

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